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HomeHealthHealth Tips: Contact a doctor if you have prolonged anxiety and stress, it can...

Health Tips: Contact a doctor if you have prolonged anxiety and stress, it can be a symptom of anxiety and depression

The effect of our mental health is seen on the entire health. If a person's mental health is not good, then its effect is seen on the body as well. Often we are unable to understand what is happening to us. In such a situation, its treatment becomes difficult. When it comes to mental health, the first words that come to the fore are anxiety and depression. Most people consider depression and anxiety to be the same. But there is a difference between the two. When a person has anxiety, he starts worrying more and fear about the future settles in his mind.

In depression, a person remains sad for a long time. Such a person does not feel like doing any work. It is very normal to have anxiety and depression. But if this problem persists for a long time, then it is very important to understand the identification of their symptoms. In such a situation, today through this article we are going to tell you the difference between the symptoms of depression and anxiety and also tell about its treatment.

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Know what is anxiety
A person who has anxiety problem starts taking more tension and has many problems in his mind about the future. He has fear about the future and he always remains tense about what will happen next and whether something wrong will happen in the future. A person suffering from anxiety mostly thinks about the future.
Symptoms of anxiety
The first symptom of anxiety is restlessness. Along with restlessness, irritability also occurs.
When you have anxiety, your concentration decreases and you face difficulty in focusing on things.
When one has anxiety problems, one faces difficulty in sleeping and sometimes one feels more restless, heart beat increases and sometimes one sweats a lot.
According to experts, when you have anxiety, you feel heaviness in your chest and feel constantly nervous. This is considered a major symptom of it.
Tension, nervousness and lack of excitement about things are also symptoms of anxiety.
It is beneficial to do breathing exercises in this.
Know what is depression
A person who is going through depression finds his life full of despair and starts considering himself worthless. Such a person does not believe anything good about himself. The symptoms of depression can range from basic to very serious.
Symptoms of depression
According to experts, when a person is suffering from depression, he does not feel like doing any work and he constantly tries to postpone the work.
Due to depression, one does not feel like eating or drinking and the body always feels tired.
They are not able to concentrate on anything for long. Due to which they have to face problems.
When one is depressed, the mood is always low and one does not feel excited even by things that give one great happiness.
If you or anyone in your family is experiencing any of these symptoms, you should immediately seek expert advice because it can be dangerous.
Depression and anxiety can occur together
According to health experts, depression and anxiety can occur together. It is not necessary that both are always separate. A person suffering from depression starts considering himself worthless and is always disappointed. On the other hand, when a person has anxiety, he worries about his future. Sometimes, both anxiety and depression can occur due to excessive stress. You can reduce stress with the help of yoga.
Treatment of anxiety and depression
Let us tell you that both anxiety and depression are treatable. It should not be considered a taboo. Rather, anxiety and depression should be discussed openly, only then treatment is possible. For the treatment of both of these, the doctor can suggest you a combination of both medicines and talk therapy. Depression-anxiety medicines should always be taken only after consulting a doctor. Medicines should not be taken without the advice of a doctor.

Image Credit: PravaSakshi Assets

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