Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeHealthHealth Care: Not only fresh bread but stale bread is also a treasure trove...

Health Care: Not only fresh bread but stale bread is also a treasure trove of qualities, know what the experts say

In every Indian household, roti and rice are a part of the main meal. An Indian thali is incomplete without roti and rice. Whether the roti is made of wheat flour or multigrain flour. In all our homes, we like to eat hot puffed roti. But many times, rotis are left over, which are used to make many other dishes. At the same time, this question comes in the mind of most people whether stale roti does not harm our health. Or is eating stale roti good for health.

Let us tell you that many people say that eating stale bread is beneficial for health. In such a situation, if you also have the same question in your mind, then this article is for you. Today through this article we are going to tell you what is more beneficial for health, fresh or stale bread.

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Know what the experts say
According to experts, stale bread is more beneficial for our health than fresh bread. Because stale bread contains more good bacteria. Which becomes beneficial for our gut health.
Stale bread helps in increasing the good bacteria and its consumption improves digestion.
Although stale bread is considered very bad for digestion, consuming it is good for the digestive system.
Before eating stale bread, one should take special care that it is not too stale. If you eat 1-2 day old stale bread, it can harm your health.
According to experts, consuming roti made 10-12 hours ago is considered beneficial. Because
Resistant starch increases in this roti and it is good for our health.
Resistant starch is beneficial in case of diabetes. In such a case, the blood sugar level does not spike.
Apart from this, stale bread contains a lot of vitamin B12. Therefore, people who are deficient in vitamin B12 should definitely consume stale bread.
Consuming stale bread also helps in weight loss.
Many people eat stale roti with curd, milk or ghee. Or they make poha or other recipes from stale roti and eat it.

Image Credit: PravaSakshi Assets

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