With changing weather, the level of dust and pollution in the environment increases. Due to which cough, sore throat and sore throat occur. As soon as the festival of Diwali arrives in Delhi, the amount of pollution starts increasing. People living in Delhi-NCR are troubled by pollution. Due to which cough, sore throat, blocked nose are troubled by these problems. If you are also suffering from problems like sore throat, cough, then consume these drinks in this season.
aloe vera juice
Aloe vera juice is very good for health. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are found in aloe vera. Due to this, it eliminates problems like swelling in the throat. Along with this, it also improves the immunity system. Drinking aloe vera juice is beneficial for itching caused by dust or pollen.
basil extract
Tulsi contains many elements that help in fighting infections. Drinking basil extract provides relief from respiratory problems caused by sore throat, bronchitis, bronchial and asthma. If you are suffering from cough and cold then drinking basil extract is considered beneficial.
How to make this drink
Take 10 ml aloe vera juice, add five to seven drops of basil extract in it and add the solution to a glass of water. Consuming this drink every morning on an empty stomach provides relief from problems like allergies, cough, sneezing etc.
Image Credit: PravaSakshi Assets