Filmmaker Nikhil Advani has recently shared an interesting story related to the make-up and hair artist of the actors. He said – On film sets, male artists are hired for make-up, but the hair department has mostly female stylists. This happens because actresses feel uncomfortable when their hair is touched.
Women get less work than men – Nikhil Richa Chadha, Ananya Pandey, Anupama Chopra and Nikhil Advani participated in Amazon Prime's O Womania round table discussion. During the panel discussion, a question was asked about how much work women get compared to men.
'Only 9 out of 170 jobs are suitable for women' In response to which filmmaker Nikhil said- Data was collected while preparing the budget for a project. I was surprised to see that only 9 out of approximately 170 jobs are considered suitable for women.
Hairstyle is for women – Nikhil To Nikhil's reply, one of the panelists said that it is not the case, now women are being hired in other departments besides hair, makeup and wardrobe. In response to this, the filmmaker said, I have an interesting story about hair and makeup artists. I explain why women are into hair and men are into makeup.
Men are for women's makeup – Nikhil Filmmaker Nikhil said- 'Women feel uncomfortable when a man touches the back of a woman's neck.
Male actors are hired for makeup on set.
Women feel uncomfortable- Nikhil On this statement of Nikhil, Richa Chadha asked how he came to know this. Nikhil replied, 'You won't feel uncomfortable when a woman touches your hair. This is logic. When we started working with Mickey Contractor, we had to ask him to hire a woman.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).