Director Dibakar Banerjee's film 'Tees' was screened at the Dharamshala International Film Festival this year. Recently he talked about this film in an interview. Dibakar said that Netflix refused to release his film, which left him very frustrated. It also affected his personal life. According to Dibakar, he is now looking for a distributor for the film, but has yet to find one.
I fell into depression after delaying the release of 'Tees' – Dibakar
In a conversation with Moneycontrol, Dibakar Banerjee was asked how he felt when Netflix stopped the release of 'Tees'. That said, when Netflix refused to release my film 'Tees', I was very irritated. Not only did I get depressed, I was also very angry. This also affected my real life. Both my daughters used to say, Papa, you are always angry. After this I started therapy and then I got better.
Everything changed when the Netflix team changed – Dibakar
Dibakar said, When the film 'Tees' was being made, it was Netflix that helped us with it. There was no major problem from his side. But yes, there was some controversy regarding the casting and some changes in the film. However, that matter was also resolved. But then suddenly the entire team at Netflix changed, and as often happens in corporate, all the decisions of the previous team are either reversed or postponed. I didn't give up and now I enjoy fighting. I will not be able to see that I am a part of society until I consider myself crazy and blind.
Casting of the movie 'Tees'
'Tees' stars Manisha Koirala, Divya Dutta, Naseeruddin Shah, Huma Qureshi, Shashank Arora, Zoya Hussain.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).