Superstar Salman Khan's reality show 'Bigg Boss 18' is constantly in the news. Now former judge of 'Shark Tank India' and co-founder of Bharat Pay Ashneer Grover will be seen in this show. The makers have shared a promo of the 'Weekend Ka Vaar' episode, which looks like Ashneer Grover's class is going to be taken from the show, as he made a controversial statement about Salman Khan some time ago.
In the promo of 'Weekend Ka Vaar', Salman Khan tells Ashneer Grover, 'I heard you were saying something about me. You said we signed it that much. You have also shown the figure wrong. Then why this double standard?' Ashneer Grover was shocked to hear Salman Khan's words and then he politely replied, 'When we made you the brand ambassador, I think it was the smartest decision.'
Attitude changed towards Salman Khan After this, Salman Khan says, 'But the way you are talking, it was not in the video.' After this Ashneer Grover said, 'Maybe what I said was not shown properly in the podcast.' After this, Salman Khan says, 'But everything is going well here.'
What is the whole matter? It is to be noted that, in an old interview, Ashneer Grover told an incident related to Salman Khan. He said that he met Salman during the shoot of a sponsored ad. At that time, Salman's manager had told Ashneer that the superstar would not click photos with him. Ashneer Grover said, 'I have met Salman Khan. We hired him as a sponsor. So met for her shoot. I met him before the shoot to give him an idea of what the company is all about. So I sat with him for three hours. His manager said he was not going to take a photo, the sir gets a little annoyed.'
Said about Salman Ashneer Grover continues – 'I said brother-in-law, I don't want to take a photo, you go on rent. I mean, how heroic was it??' However, after this Ashneer praised Salman Khan's intelligence and business skills. He said, 'This guy is very smart. I mean, it's not on the air that people think, this guy is actually very smart. He understands business. He understands branding. He has a clear idea of what his image is.'
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).