It has been 2 days since the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan but the accused has not been caught yet. So far, two CCTV footages have surfaced. In which the accused entered at 1.36 in the night and exited at 2.33. In about 57 minutes he performed this complete dhatna. Mumbai Police is taking swift action to solve this high profile case. 35 teams have been formed to nab the accused. Let's… find out where other new updates have surfaced regarding this case.
The rickshaw puller was horrified to see Saif's condition Bhajan Singh Rana, the rickshaw puller who took Saif Ali Khan to the hospital, said that when he reached the gate of the house, a woman called him rickshaw-rickshaw. The driver panicked and took a U-turn and stopped the rickshaw near the gate. He was completely shocked when he saw Saif Ali Khan. Saif Ali Khan's entire body was covered in blood, his pants and kurta were also stained with blood, the driver said. The body had many injuries and was bleeding profusely. I was very shocked to see this.
The accused who attacked Saif is still absconding The name of the person who was detained by the Mumbai Police in the morning is Shahid. The police made the arrest from Falkland Road in Girgaon. Four to five cases of housebreaking have been registered against Shahid in the past, though the interrogation of this person is not linked to the actor's case. Earlier it was said that the man has been detained in connection with the actor's case, however the Mumbai Police has dismissed the claim and clarified that the arrest is not related to the actor's case.
Mumbai Police detained a suspect in connection with the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan on Friday morning, an official said. The official further said that the police detained several people who looked like the attackers after questioning them, though the detained person was not the real culprit and has now been released.
As soon as he regained consciousness, Saif asked the doctors two questions Doctors said that Saif underwent two surgeries. Spinal surgery was done first and then cosmetic surgery. His surgery lasted for about 6 hours. As soon as Saif regained consciousness after the surgery, the first thing Saif asked the doctors was – Will I be able to shoot? Will I be able to go to the gym?
In response, the doctors assured the actor that after two weeks he would be able to resume shooting and work out in the gym. Till then he has to take proper bed rest.
Attacker's entry captured on CCTV New CCTV has surfaced in the Saif case. There is CCTV footage from 1.37 pm, in which the accused can be seen climbing the stairs. The face is seen covered with a scarf.
Raw in Saif's security! Police officials investigating the attack on Saif Ali Khan found that there were no surveillance cameras at the actor's house. Lack of proper security measures was also observed in the house.
According to an official, there was no private security stationed at the entrance or inside the flat to monitor visitors or deal with any emergency. There were no security guards to monitor persons coming and going in the building and no logbook to register visitors.
How was Saif attacked?
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).