The first film of the 'Bhool Bhulaiya' franchise was released in 2007 and since then the audience has had a lot of craze for it. The film starred Vidya Balan and Akshay Kumar. When Bhushan Kumar thought of making 'Bhool Bhoolaiyya 2', he offered the role to Vidya Balan, but Vidya refused. The actress said that she was afraid that she would not be able to repeat the success of the first film.
During an event, producer Bhushan Kumar said, 'I approached Vidya ji for 'Bhool Bhoolaiyya 2', but she refused. Then at the trailer launch, requested to at least be a part of the trailer. He posted the trailer, chose the film and promised that he would be a part of the third film.
Regarding this, Vidya said, 'I was very scared because Bhoola Bhoolaiyya 1 has given me so much… I said, 'If I mess up, everything will be ruined.'
Now Vidya is joining 'Bhool Bhulaiyya 3' again. She said, 'I wanted to work in Bhola Bholaiya 2, but was scared. I told Anees Bhai that he cannot take this risk. But when the third part was offered, I liked the script and things got better.
The actress added, 'Karthik was also in it, I also liked Bhola Bhulaiyya 2. And Madhuri Dixit was also there. I plucked up courage and had fun. Anees Bhai is the king of entertainment, working with him was magical.
The movie 'Bhool Bhulaiya 3' will release on November 1 on Diwali.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).