Bollywood star Akshay Kumar is all set to hit the screens with his debut film in the year 2025. The actor's film 'Sky Force' will release in theaters on January 24, 2025, on the occasion of Republic Day. The film is the story of India's first and deadliest air raid. It depicts a retaliatory attack on Pakistan's Sargodha Airbase during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War.
'Sky Force' trailer released The trailer of 'Sky Force' has been released today. In this film, the actor will be seen in the role of an Air Force officer. Along with Akshay Kumar, Janhvi Kapoor's rumored boyfriend Veer Pahadia will also be seen. Both the actors have won the hearts of fans with their stunning entry in a helicopter. The trailer is showing tremendous action sequences and emotional drama, which raises the expectations of the audience. 'Sky Force' is not only full of action and thrills, but also salutes the courage and bravery of the Indian Air Force. The trailer of the film is getting tremendous response on social media. It is being appreciated by both viewers and critics.
The star cast of the film 'Sky Force' is directed by Abhishek, Anil Kapoor and Sandeep Kewalani under the Maddock Films banner. The film is being produced by Dinesh Vijan, Amar Kaushik and Jyoti Deshpande under Jio Studios. Veer Pahadia is going to debut in Bollywood with this film. Also Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur will be seen in important roles in the actress.
Akshay Kumar's Workfront The actor has a line of films. After 'Sky Force', films like 'Welcome to the Jungle', 'Housefull 5' and 'Jolly LLB 3' are in the pipeline. Apart from this, Akshay also started shooting for his film 'Bhoot Bangla' in December 2024 itself. The film will hit theaters on April 2, 2026.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).