Tanya Singh, wife of T-Series co-owner Krishna Kumar, has written an emotional post for daughter Tisha. Through this post, Tanya has revealed the things related to Tisha's death. Sharing a video on Instagram, he said that Tisha was given wrong treatment. Due to which he died.
Death due to wrong treatment – Tanya While sharing the video on Instagram, Tanya wrote in the caption – 'How?, What?, Why?… Many people ask me. The truth is that my daughter did not have cancer to begin with. He was vaccinated at the age of 15 and a half, which caused him to develop an auto immune disease, which was not properly treated. Even before we got all this information, we were caught in a medical trap.'
T-Series co-owner Krishna Kumar and his daughter Tisha
Tanya advised every parentIf your child has swollen lymph nodes, definitely get a second and third opinion before getting a bone marrow test or biopsy, he wrote. Tanya said – lymph nodes are the body's defense guard and can become swollen due to emotional trauma or previous infections not being fully treated.'
Tanya Singh shared the video on Instagram and wrote the caption
Wanted to be encouraged by her own treatment journey Tanya wrote that Tisha was a very brave child. Despite all this, he never gave up. She never went into depression. Tisha wanted to inspire others through her treatment journey to fight the misdiagnosis and side effects of biomedicine.'
Died at just 20 years old Tisha passed away on July 18 this year at the age of just 20. Tisha has rarely appeared in public. He did not like being in the limelight. She was last seen in the 2023 screening of the film Animal.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).