TV actor Gurucharan Singh, who played the role of Roshan Singh Sodhi in 'Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma', was in news last year due to his disappearance. However, he later returned home safely. So now another big news is coming out about gravity. The actor's health has seriously deteriorated, after which he has been admitted to the hospital. A video of him from the hospital has surfaced, in which fans are disturbed to see his condition.
Video posted information Gurcharan Singh of 'Taarak Mehta' has posted a video on his Instagram account. Through this video, he has informed the fans about his illness. In the video, Gurucharan is in the hospital and is seen lying on the bed. Viggo is seen in his hand. He is looking very weak in this video. He says, 'The situation has become very bad. Look at the situation.' With this he said that he would soon tell what happened to him. In this video, he is looking very thin and frail.
A wave of anxiety swept through the fans again Fans are very upset after seeing this video of Gurucharan Singh. Everyone is praying for his speedy recovery. Most of the users commenting on this video are asking him about his illness and what happened to him.
Returned home 25 days after going missing It may be noted that Gurucharan Singh suddenly went missing in May last year. After missing him for several days, his father filed a missing complaint at the police station. The police also made all efforts to find him. After this, he himself returned home after about 25 days. He said where he was for so many days.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).