Boney Kapoor recently mentioned the incident when he proposed to late actress Sridevi for the first time. However, the actress did not like this proposal of Boney Kapoor. The reason was that at that time Boney Kapoor was married and father of two children. For this reason, Sridevi did not speak to him for 6 months.
Boney Kapoor said – I did what my heart told me In an interview given to the media, Boney Kapoor said, 'It took me four-five-six years to convince him. When I proposed to him, he didn't speak to me for 6 months. He said- 'You are married and have two children. How can you talk to me like that.'
'But I said what was in my heart and luck was with me.'
Had good bonding with first wife too Boney Kapoor also revealed that he loved Sridevi despite being his wife. But he never hid his feelings from his first wife Mona Shourie. Mona remained friends with Shourie until she died of cancer.
Boney Kapoor said – You should be honest with your partner Boney Kapoor continued – It is always good to be honest with your partner. Similarly, you should be honest with your children. I am my children's friend. I am a mother to my children and also a father to them. Understanding is very important in any relationship and it grows over time.
Boney Kapoor married Sridevi in 1996. After marriage, the two became parents to two daughters, Jhanvi and Khushi.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).