Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahadia starrer film 'Sky Force' has grossed Rs 75 crore in 5 days. The film collected Rs 5.75 crore on Tuesday. Looking at the record of Akshay Kumar's last few films, the performance of 'Sky Force' is very good.
Akshay Kumar's last two films 'Khel Khel Mein' made an all -time collection of Rs 40.36 crore. At the same time, 'Sarfira' earned only Rs 22 crore. Now Akshay may have relieved the exhibition of the Sky Force. Akshay's last superhit film was 'OMG-2', whose total collection was Rs. 150.17 crore.
A first glance at Akshay Kumar's collection of the last 5 films.
- Sports Me – 40.36 crore
- Sarfira- 22.13 crore
- Bade Miya Chhote Miya – 59.17 crore
- Mission Raniganj – 33.74 crore
- OMG-2- Rs. 150.17 crores
Apart from Akshay Kumar in the film, Veer Pahadiya is also. He has debuted with this film.
The 'OMG-2' released in 2023 was Akshay Kumar's last superhit film. However, Pankaj Tripathi also played an important role in this. Akshay played a side roll.
What is the story of Sky Force? Film story wing commander K.O. Ahuja (Akshay Kumar). They go to a mission that proves India's air power to the world.
Vijay (Veer Pahadia) disappears during a dangerous operation on Sargodha Airbase. The film is not only a war story, but also a story of friendship, responsibility and sacrifice.
Kangana's 'emergency' is bad On the other hand, the condition of Kangana Ranaut's film 'Emergency' is bad. The film has collected only Rs 17.10 crore in 12 days. Kangana has played the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the film. The film brings that dark chapter on Indian politics on screen, which shakes the root of Indian democracy between 1975 and 1977.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).