Veer Pahadia has recently debuted in Bollywood with the film 'Sky Force'. Now he said in an interview that he was very embarrassed when his parents were divorced.
In a conversation with Siddhartha Kannan, Veer Pahadiya talked about the divorce of his parents. That said, when parents are separated, they are incomplete for any child. There was no social media at the time, so I didn't understand what was happening. It was very strange in childhood. Newspapers were always writing about his court case and everything was on the Internet. I was ashamed to go to school and my friends. I was staying away from people and was very nervous. I don't want this to happen to anyone.
Veer further said, 'I think there is a time in everyone's life when he goes through difficulties. We should talk about it. Therapy and acting class helped me a lot. I still believe in love and marriage.
According to Veer Pahadiya, he did not see his father much, but now they are both very close. Although their parents' relationships as spouses are not so good, they have been both very good parents.
The film 'Sky Force' was released on January 24 Akshay Kumar in the movie 'Sky Force', Wing Commander K.O. Has played the role of Ahuja. Veer Pahadiya has played the role of T. Vijaya. Sara Ali Khan is seen as the wife of Veer, while Nimrat Kaur is in the role of Akshay's wife. The film was released on January 24.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).