Actor Varun Kulkarni, seen in Shah Rukh Khan and Prateek Gandhi's series 'Scam 1992', is admitted to hospital. According to his close relatives, the actor is struggling financially and does not even have money for treatment.
Recently, Varun Kulkarni's friend shared pictures from the hospital and wrote, My friend and theater co-artist Varun Kulkarni is suffering from kidney problem these days. Their expenses are increasing despite earlier efforts to raise funds for them. Along with regular medical care, emergency hospital visits, he has to undergo dialysis 2-3 times a week. Just 2 days ago, Varun had to be brought to the hospital for emergency dialysis.
His friend further wrote,- Varun is not only a great actor but also a kind and selfless person. He lost his parents at a very young age, since then he has been standing on his own feet. He faced every difficulty and kept his passion for theater intact. But now a financial problem has come in the life of an artist. And in these difficult times they need our help the most.
Friends are raising funds for Varun
Varun's friend has said through his post that they are collecting funds together for his treatment. He has also appealed to everyone to help.
Varun Kulkarni is seen on a hospital bed in the pictures that have surfaced. It is to be noted that Varun Kulkarni started his acting career from theatre. After this he has been a part of many commercials, films and serials. The biggest film of his career was 'Dunky', in which he was seen with Shah Rukh Khan, Vicky Kaushal, Taapsee Pannu.
Varun Kulkarni in the series 'Scam 1992'
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).