The king of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan has returned to Mumbai after spending holidays at a farm house in Alibaug with his family. Actor Gauri Khan was spotted with daughter Suhana, AbRam in Mumbai. The occasion also saw a new member of the family whom King Khan himself cradled in his arms. This new member of the household is a cute puppy. After getting down from the boat, Shahrukh immediately sat in the car holding his beloved puppy. To avoid paparazzi and fans, he covered himself with a long black jacket.
Daughter Suhana and her rumored boyfriend Agastya Nanda were also spotted with Shah Rukh Khan. However, Suhana got into another car and left for home. King Khan's fans have shared some videos on X.
Every year, Shah Rukh Khan takes time out of his busy schedule to devote to his family. To celebrate Christmas, the actor took family and friends to a farm house in Alibaug. However, Aryan Khan was not seen with them.
Talking about the work front, after the success of 'Pathan' and 'Jawaan', Shah Rukh Khan will be seen with daughter Suhana in Sujoy Ghosh's film King. The actor will be seen in shades of gray in the film. According to reports, Shah Rukh will be seen training Suhana's character in the film. On the other hand, Aryan Khan is also all set to make his directorial debut. Aryan has directed a film titled 'Stardom' which will not premiere in theaters but on Netflix.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).