A photo of Bollywood superstars Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan is quickly going viral on the internet in which their son Aryan Khan is also seen. The photo is being claimed to have been taken in Mecca and after 33 years of marriage, Bollywood's King Khan has converted his wife Gauri to Islam. Let's know what is the full truth of this photo…..
Gauri Khan changed religion after 33 years of marriage? Some pictures have surfaced on social media in which Shah Rukh Khan is seen standing with his wife Gauri Khan and elder son Aryan Khan with the holy Kaaba of Mecca visible in the background. In the picture, Gauri Khan is wearing hijab and both father and son are wearing white kurta-pajama. It seems that the pictures are genuine and the star couple is indeed there, but a fact check by Bhaskar revealed that this is not true at all. These are AI generated images. This viral image was created only to create controversy.
Shahrukh-Gauri love story The love story of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan is counted among the most famous love stories in the industry. Shah Rukh Khan, who is a Muslim by religion, fell in love with Gauri Chibbar. Which is a Punjabi Hindu. The two got married in 1991 and this relationship has stood the test of time. Although both of them have different religions, there is no instance of religious differences ever arising in their personal life. Both Eid and Diwali are celebrated in Shah Rukh Khan's house, his house mannat is considered a symbol of religious unity.
Shah Rukh-Gauri's secular family Shah Rukh and Gauri have three children: Aryan Khan, Suhana Khan and Abram Khan. In many interviews, Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri have revealed how they instill secular family values in their children.
Such cases have happened earlier too This is not the first time that AI has tried to create controversy by circulating fake pictures or videos of a celebrity on social media. Fake pictures of many famous celebrities like Deepika Padukone, Kajol, Rashmika Mandana to Taylor Swift have sparked discussion and created controversy.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).