After finishing hosting Bigg Boss-18, Salman Khan is again fully busy with the shooting of the upcoming film 'Sikandar'. Recently he was seen shooting for it in Mumbai. A video related to the shooting has surfaced, in which the actor is seen getting down from the taxi. On the other hand, the film's lead actress Rashmika Mandana has fractured her leg. According to reports, his injury may affect the film's release.
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A leaked video related to the shooting of the film Sikandar has surfaced on social media, which has been posted by a fan of Salman. A glimpse of Salman's energetic entry can be seen in this video. The actor is seen getting down from the taxi, a large number of fans gathered to catch a glimpse of the actor. Salman is wearing a blue color shirt with denim jeans. These days the actor is shooting the last schedule of the film.
Rashmika was injured in her leg Rashmika Mandana is in the lead role in the movie 'Sikandar'. He had injured his leg a few days ago. It is being said that this may delay the release of the film. Some reports have said that due to this, the shooting of her part has been stopped. While some say that the shooting is going on without him.
The film also stars Kajal Aggarwal Released on the occasion of Eid this year, Sikandar is directed by AR Murugadoss. The film also stars Kajal Aggarwal. Salman's new look will be seen in this project. At the same time, it is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala's banner Grandson Entertainment.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).