Renowned filmmaker and journalist Preetish Nandy died of a heart attack on Wednesday. He was 73 years old and suffering from pancreatic cancer. Anupam Kher announced his death by posting on X. He produced films like Chameli, Soor and Hazaran Khwaishe Aisi.
Preetish Nandy was born on 15 January 1951 in Bhagalpur, Bihar. He was the editor of 'The Illustrated Weekly of India' and was known for his fearless ideas. He also made his mark in film production and produced 24 Hindi-English films.
Apart from Hindi and English, Pritesh also knew Bengali, Punjabi and Urdu languages. He translated many books into English.
Anupam Kher wrote- Pritish was my support system in the early days Anupam Kher wrote on Instagram – I am deeply saddened and shocked to hear that my dearest and closest friend Pritish Nandi has passed away. He was a wonderful poet, writer, filmmaker and a brave and unique journalist. He was my support system and a great source of strength during my early days in Mumbai.
The actor further wrote, 'We had many things in common.' He was one of the most fearless men I have ever met. He was always a man with a big heart and big dreams. I learned a lot from him. Our visits have become less frequent in recent times, but there was a time when we were never apart. I will never forget the moment he surprised me by featuring me on the cover page of Filmfare and most importantly, The Illustrated Weekly. He was truly a 'friend of friends'
Sudhir Mishra said- The river was being called the next Tagore Film director Sudhir Mishra said- I cannot understand the news of Preetesh's death. It changed my life. He understood my film 'Hazaron Khwaishen Aisi' and gave me freedom as a producer to make it as per my wish.
Started a talk show in 1990 Pritesh Nandi hosted a talk show called 'The Pritish Nandi Show' on Doordarshan in the 1990s. In this show, he interviewed celebrities. He made his mark as a poet and writer with the book Gods and Olives. He has also been a member of Rajya Sabha from Shiv Sena from Maharashtra.
Preetish Nandi receiving the Liberation War Award from the then Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina on May 27, 2021.
He made films like Sur, Chameli, Hazaran Khwaisheen Aisi He produced several films in the early 2000s under Pritesh Nandi Communications like 'Soor', 'Kante', 'Zhankar Beats', 'Chameli', 'Hazaron Khwaishen Aisi', 'Pyaar Ke Side Effects'. Last time as a producer, he produced the Amazon Prime Video web series 'Four More Shots Please' and the anthology series 'Modern Love Mumbai'.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).