Sonakshi Sinha hosted a grand party for her father and Hindi film industry veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha. Although Shatrughan Sinha's birthday was on December 9 and Sonakshi's husband Zaheer Iqbal's birthday was on December 10, Sonakshi has now shared a video of their birthday party on her YouTube channel. Every member of the Sinha family appears in the video, but Sonakshi's two brothers, Luv and Kush, are not seen.
Sonakshi shared a video of father-husband's birthday The video begins with a beautifully decorated dining table. Guests start arriving, including Rakesh Roshan, which adds to the excitement. Sonakshi welcomes her father with a dance, after which her mother hugs her.
Rekha Shatrughan Sinha fell on her feet Veteran actor Rekha was also present at Shatrughan Sinha's birthday party. In the video that has surfaced, Rekha meets Shatrughan Sinha and first touches his feet and then hugs him and wishes him a happy birthday. There is a difference of only eight years between Rekha and Shatrughan. Rekha is 70 years old and Shatrughan is 78 years old. Both have worked together in films like 'Khoon Bhari Maang', 'Rampur Ka Laxman'.
Sonakshi's mother Poonam calls Rekha to everyone as her sister. Sonakshi also introduces her father-in-law. Zaheer Iqbal's brilliant entry is also loved by people. Meanwhile, Sonakshi also sings a song. And look at father Shatrughan's pictures printed on magazine covers in the 70s-80s.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).