Actor Govinda's wife Sunita Ahuja recently said that she has a great bonding with Raveena Tandon and Shilpa Shetty. He also revealed that Raveena often says that she would have married Govinda if she had met him earlier. Govinda and Raveena were one of the hit pairs of Bollywood in the 90s. They have worked together in films like 'Pardeshi Babu', 'Aunty No 1', 'Bade Mian Chhote Mian' and 'Akhion Se Goli Mare'.
Sunita shares a good bond with Govinda's co-actors In an interview to Hindi Rush, Sunita said that when she went on the sets with Govinda, she used to have a lot of fun with actresses like Shilpa Shetty, Raveena Tandon and Manisha Koirala. He said – We all used to go to dinner together after shooting. Govinda had a good bonding with his co-actors. Raveena still says that if Chichi (Govinda) had met me earlier, I would have married her. I told him- take it, you will know.
Govinda signed 75 films Govinda was the most popular actor in the 1990s. At one point he signed 75 films. Works on more than four projects a day. He hardly spent time at home during this period. He often went out for shooting. Sunita also talked about this trip of Govinda.
He said – we could not meet him. He would only come home to sleep for a few hours. By then Tina was born, so I kept busy with her and my mother-in-law. This was the reason why Govinda's absence had no effect on me. Also, there were many outdoor shoots. He was going to Shimla, Kashmir and I was staying with my child, so I didn't realize how much time had passed. Also, sometimes we would go with him for outdoor shoots in Madras, Hyderabad.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).