'The Roshans', a documentary series based on the life of the Roshan family, was released on 17 January on Netflix. The four-episode series tells the story of three generations of the Roshan family. The contribution of this family in taking the Hindi film industry forward is presented in a cinematic style.
Producer Rakesh Roshan and director Shashi Ranjan of this documentary series spoke to Frontpage Insights. Director Rakesh Roshan, who made famous films like 'Karan Arjun', 'Kaho Na Pyar Hai' and 'Koi Mil Gaya', spoke about the idea and vision that led to the series.
Question- Rakesh ji, how did you come up with the idea of making a documentary based on your family's life? Answer- A music device was introduced 7-8 years ago. It had 5-10 thousand songs. One day I sat down with it and started searching for my father's (renowned music director Roshanlal Nagarath) songs. Unfortunately I couldn't find any songs. Let alone the songs, I couldn't even find their names when I typed them. I was very hurt.'
'One day I was sitting at my farmhouse with director Shashi Ranjan. I told Shashin that friend, it is very important to tell people about my father. Everyone should know what their contribution is to the industry. However, today's generation may not be able to relate to it if it is only about them. So Shashi and I decided that we will show the story of three generations of the Roshan family.'
Q- Did your father Roshan sahib not get the respect he deserved? Answer: 'Not found at all. He composed many songs. Sadly, he passed away at the peak of his career. He must have been only 49 at that time. His songs are heard, but people don't know that Roshan Sahib composed these songs.'
Rakesh's childhood picture with father Roshan Lal Nagarath. Photo credit- Netflix
Q- How did you make a path for yourself after your father's demise? Answer: 'When my father died I thought everything was over. He left no kingdom for me. I was only 17-18 when my father died. There was nothing but darkness before me. Then I started from scratch to make my name.'
'First I started working as an assistant director. Then tried his hand at manufacturing. Also acted, but could not be very successful. I was getting very depressed. Did side roles and also became a villain. But never left the industry. Perhaps for this reason more roads were found.'
Question- Shashi ji, what was your idea for making a documentary of these 4 episodes? Answer- I produced a show called 'Making of Legends' for a TV channel. That show told the story of many living legends. I did about 50 to 60 episodes. At that time it was realized that if we show the story of our great men honestly then the audience will definitely like it. There was an emotional connection when I heard the story of the Roshan family. It felt like it was my story.'
Shashi Ranjan (front right) has been active in the industry as a director for many years.
Q- Shashiji, were there challenges while making this documentary or was it a beautiful story? Answer: There were no challenges. People in the Roshan family are so easy going that it's really easy to work with them. Be it Rakesh Roshan, Rajesh Roshan or Hrithik. These are all down to earth people. Hrithik talks as if he doesn't seem like such a big star.'
'I never felt I was working with such popular people. These people always comforted me. My team also helped a lot to take this documentary to a different level. We have worked a lot on its background music.'
'When you watch this documentary two or three times, you will realize how meticulously the music has been worked. After watching the documentary, David Dhawan called and congratulated me. He especially liked its background music.'
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).