Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav's father has passed away in Delhi. It is being said that he was ill for the past few days. Rajpal had to return from work as his father's health deteriorated. Rajpal Yadav went to Thailand for work. According to reports, Rajpal's father was undergoing treatment at AIIMS Hospital in Delhi. He breathed his last here.
Rajpal Yadav's father passes away After the death of his father, an old social media post of the actor has gone viral. Rajpal Yadav was seen with his father in this emotional post. He captioned it, 'The biggest inspiration in my life was my father.' If you didn't believe in me, I wouldn't be who I am today. Thank you for being my father. I love you very much. Rajpal Yadav's fans are also saddened by the news of his father's death. Actor fans are giving him condolences.
Rajpal Yadav received a threat two days ago Two days ago, Rajpal Yadav received death threats. The actor received an e-mail, which revealed that the threat had come from Pakistan. The actor also complained to the Mumbai Police about this. Rajpal said that he has informed the police and cyber crime department about the threat. The police is investigating the matter.
This will be seen in films Talking about Rajpal Yadav's projects, he was last seen in the film 'Baby John'. Apart from this, he also worked in the films 'Bhool Bhulaiyya 3' and 'Chandu Champion'. Currently, Rajpal Yadav is working in Akshay Kumar's films 'Welcome to the Jungle' and 'Ankh Micholi 2'.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).