The late actor Rajesh Khanna revealed in an old interview that he had asked daughter Twinkle to keep an eye on Akshay Kumar. He told Twinkle- Akshay is a man with a manipulated man. You should pull his reins.
This old video associated with Rajesh Khanna has surfaced on social media. In this video, he says, 'Our son-in-law is king, sometimes he sings songs, sometimes he does. Sometimes a mistake is mistaken. It does a lot of hero. I have also told my daughter that Tina Baba, her (Akshay Kumar) should be pulled. But don't pull or break down.
Rajesh Khanna advised his daughter to have 4 boyfriends In a social media post a while back, Twinkle shared an incident associated with his father Rajesh Khanna. He said that Rajesh Khanna did not want Twinkle's heart to break due to the breakup. For this reason he gave dating tips to his daughter.
Rajesh Khanna said don't have just one boyfriend, always have four boyfriends. This way your heart will never be broken.
In a conversation with Famous fashion designer Masaba Gupta, Twinkle talked about Mother Dimple Kapadia's reaction to Akshay's decision to marry. He said- Mother wanted Akshay and I would stay together for 2 years before marriage. Decide to get married only after 100% sure.
Twinkle married Akshay Kumar on January 17, 2001. They have two children Aarav and Nitara.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).