Rajiv Kapoor, the youngest brother of actors Rishi Kapoor and Randhir Kapoor, passed away at the age of 58. The cause of death was a heart attack. Now Rajeev's close friend actress Khushbu Sundar has recently revealed that the actor had a bad addiction to alcohol.
Khushbu said- He had a heart disease, in that too alcohol addiction made the problem more serious. We could not get rid of this bad habit.
'Rajiv was ill for a long time' While talking to Vicky Lalwani, Khushboo said – He (Rajeev) used to be very depressed. He also had problems with his knees, so he underwent surgery. But they did not benefit. We knew that Chimpu (nickname of Rajeev Kumar) was sick. I was in Mumbai when he died. Boney Kapoor informed me about his death. He told me – Chimpu is no more. This was a big shock for me.
Khushboo said – I spoke to him a day before his death Khushboo said- I spoke to Chimpu a day before his death. He had high fever and it was covid period. Even though he was sick, he was the same as always. However, they were taking the illness lightly and promised to meet soon. His death was a shock to me. We still feel that he is with us.
Rajeev's number is still saved in Khushbu's phone Khushboo also said that she has not deleted Rajeev's number yet. However, he regrets not being in touch with the actor's family. About his friendship with Rajiv, he said – He has taught me many things. I only paint white nails on my toes because Chimpu once told me it looks classy. He told me this in 1983 and to this day, it is the only nail paint I wear. He didn't like my walking style, so he taught me to walk in heels without making a sound.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).