Actor Govinda's wife Sunita has revealed that the producer used to exploit Govinda. They did not pay any fee for doing the work. But even Govinda did not say anything to those people. However, Sunita spoke against him and gave Govinda his rightful money.
Sunita said in an interview to Hotterfly – I used to watch Govinda's work. Being a manager, I have seen people not paying him for work and Govinda saying – let go, his show is not doing well. On this I used to say – why is this? You danced! You worked hard! He's fooling you, I'm getting it.
'Producers were taking advantage of Govinda's goodness' Sunita said that Govinda is very emotional. He easily trusted others. Producers were taking advantage of his goodness. They used to make excuses for not making payments on time. He used to say, Chichi bhaiya, tickets are not sold. I will give you 20-25 lakh rupees later. But Sunita doesn't like it at all.
Sunita said that she did not stay silent when she saw things going wrong with Govinda. He questioned the producer about this. People in the industry did not like me because of this attitude. He further said – even if they scolded me, it didn't matter. I would have stood up to him and fought for Govinda's right. I used to tell Govinda to do his work and dance and leave the rest to me.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).