Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel's film 'Gadar-2' proved to be a blockbuster. In a recent interview, the film's director Anil Sharma said that there was a scene in the film where a hand pump is dismantled, which was a hit. However, no one understood this scene before the shooting of the film. Even Sunny Deol refused to do it.
Speaking to Llantop, director Anil Sharma said, 'When I mentioned the hand pump scene in the film, many people did not understand it. The writer, producer and even Sunny Deol didn't like it. Due to this, our shoot was stopped for a few hours and there was a controversy over this scene.
Anil Sharma said, 'My only intention to include this scene in the film was that if someone speaks ill of my country, I would get so angry that I would even tear down a building. To show that anger I needed something that could be easily pulled from the ground. A tree or fountain would have been too big, so I added a hand pump. If Hanumanji can lift Mount Govardhan to save Lakshmana, so can Tara Singh.
Gadar-2 was released in 2023 The movie Gadar-2 was released on August 11, 2023. The special thing is that 'Gadar-2' was released on less screens than 'Pathan' and 'Baahubali'. At the same time, it also collided with 'OMG-2'.
'Gadar-2' was made in 60 crores Gadar-2 has also broken the records of Baahubali-2 and Shah Rukh Khan's film Pathan. Made on a budget of 60 crores, 'Gadar 2' earned many times more than its cost and also proved to be an all-time blockbuster.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).