India's first Paralympic gold medalist Muralikant Petkar has been honored with the Arjuna Award. On this occasion, he thanked the makers of the film 'Chandu Champion'. Actually, Karthik Aaryan played the role of Muralikant Petkar in the film, produced under the banner of Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment.
Speaking on the occasion, Muralikant Petkar said, 'I am truly happy and grateful to receive the prestigious Arjuna Lifetime Award. This honor is not just an individual achievement, but a testament to the efforts and faith of a group of many fine individuals. I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to Sajid Nadiadwala, who not only believed in my story, but also brought it to the big screen through the film 'Chandru Champion'.
“I would also like to thank Kabir Khan and Karthik Aryan, who brought my story to the masses so well. This moment is as much mine as it is theirs. I am truly grateful to the entire 'Chandu Champion' team who made this film and inspired many people in the country through my story.
Who is Muralikant Petkar? Muralikant Petkar has been a part of the Indian Army. In 1965 India-Pakistan war, he was hit by 9 bullets. During this war his condition deteriorated to such an extent that he was paralyzed from the waist down. He was not even able to walk. However, even after doing this, he did not stop. He won the title of India's first Paralympic swimmer in 1972.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).