Bollywood stars welcomed the New Year in their own way. Bollywood actress Mouni Roy also went to celebrate the New Year party with her husband and her best friend Disha Patani, but the beginning of the New Year itself was not so good for her. A video is going viral in which the actress falls down. Netizens are trolling Mouni Roy after this video went viral. Many people felt that Mouni was drunk.
Mouni Roy fell with a crash In a video that is going viral on social media, the actress falls while going out after celebrating. The sudden fall of the actress shocked everyone around her, including several cameramen. His best friend Disha Patani was also with him. As soon as she fell silent, her husband picked her up and took her to the car. Disha Patani also supported him at this time.
Netizens trolled Mouni Roy People had different reactions on this video. A user wrote, Mouni is drunk. So another user wrote – this condition happens after drinking too much alcohol. Amidst all this, some people also praised his friend Disha Patani.
Mouni will be seen in the upcoming film 'Salakar' On the work front, Mouni will next be seen in 'Salakar', which is being directed by Farooq Kabir. On the other hand, Disha will next be seen in 'Welcome to the Jungle' directed by Ahmed Khan. He will also be seen in Mohit Suri's 'Malang 2'.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).