Every Sunday Amitabh Bachchan comes out of his house 'Jalsa' and meets his fans. During this time some member of the family is seen with him. This time Big B came out alone to meet the fans. While 'Big B' was greeting his fans, son Abhishek Bachchan was standing on the balcony watching his father. The video of which is going viral on social media. While commenting on this video, fans were seen asking about Aishwarya.
In the viral video, it can be clearly seen that Amitabh Bachchan is standing at the gate of his house and meeting his fans. Meanwhile, he is greeting his fans sometimes by shaking hands and sometimes by joining hands.
On the other hand, Abhishek Bachchan was also seen standing in the balcony. Meanwhile, he was seen lovingly looking at his father Amitabh Bachchan and fans. But as soon as the camera turned to him, he smiled and waved to the fans.
Standing in the balcony, Abhishek grabbed the limelight Users are giving their reaction on this video. One user wrote, 'Where is Aishwarya?', while another wrote, 'Abhishek, you are doing well.', another user wrote, 'I am a huge fan of yours.' In this way 'Big B' came to meet the fans but got the limelight standing in the balcony of the house. Which is being discussed a lot on social media.
Abhishek Bachchan was seen in the recently released 'Film Want To Talk'. The film did not do well in theatres, but everyone who saw the film praised Abhishek Bachchan's acting.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).