The second season of Amazon Prime Video's much-awaited web series 'Paatal Lok' is going to stream from January 17, 2025. Recently the star cast of the series Ishwak Singh, Gul Panag and director Avinash Arun Dhware spoke to Frontpage Insights. Avinash said that this time female characters will also be seen emerging in the series along with male characters. At the same time, Gul Panag said that it is a principle of life that men and women cannot understand each other hundred percent. Anyway, if we were all the same this wouldn't be Hades. What else did the star cast and director of the series say during the conversation? Read some special excerpts from the conversation.
'Paatal Lok 2' star cast Gul Panag, Ishwak Singh and director Avinash Arun Dhavere spoke to Frontpage Insights.
Avinash, how do you feel about the way the trailer is getting such a good response from the audience? It took 4-5 years to bring 'Paatal Lok 2'. We are coming up with a very good story. I hope that the way the audience loved Patal Lok Season One, they will also love 'Paatal Lok 2'.
Ishwak, what changed in your life after the first part of this series? Never thought that I would get a chance to work on such a show. How a man becomes an IPS officer from sub inspector. Similarly, my acting profession has changed. You can say that I have become an ACP in the acting profession.
Gul, tell me, what new flavor are you going to bring in Renu Chaudhary's relationship with Hathiram Chaudhary this time? Every relationship changes from time to time. Hathiram and Renu Chaudhary's relationship has also undergone some changes. Earlier, there was tension between them in the fight to raise the children. Now the son has grown up. Renu now wants to create a separate identity for herself. I hope viewers like my character the way they did in the first season. Will like it this time too.
What would you like to say about your relationship with Hathiram Chaudhary earlier? Every man says my wife doesn't understand me. To some extent women also think that their husbands do not understand them. This is the principle of life. One hundred percent we do not understand each other.
How can this improvement come about so that husband and wife can understand each other? I cannot give any advice on this matter. If you understand my point briefly, there is definitely inequality between men and women. This is what makes us special. If we were all the same, there would be no stories.
Avinash, how do you see Renu Chaudhary's character this time? This time Renu's character has a lot of love, understanding and responsibility. I think one should know oneself before knowing each other. This time Renu is trying to know herself. A new dimension will be seen between her and Hathiram's relationship. Gul Panag has lived the character of Renu very beautifully.
How do you see Ishwak Singh's character? Ishwak Singh has a very special character. This is the kind of character a person strives to be. I think Emraan Ansari's character in Ishwak Singh's series is one that everyone should emulate.
Ishwak Singh is Emraan Ansari's character in the series.
Ishwak, how did you prepare for Emraan Ansari's role this time? There was no need to prepare anything special separately. I continued to mold myself to the character of the first season. We go through many emotional moments around us, which remain somewhere inside us. All those emotions come out automatically during shooting.
Gull, how do you watch this show? Patal Lok has attached only people. In this we have shown a reality that is usually limited to the eighth page of a newspaper. This series has entertained many people. It has made me think a lot. This is Patal Lok's biggest success.
What does Renu do to get out of Chaudhary's character? People often ask what is the similarity between Renu's character and mine. I am not like Renu at all. I come from such a background. Where I have only found empowerment. Renu comes from a class for whom this is a distant dream. I leave myself in the vanity van during the shoot. I wonder how Renu will react to the circumstances she has gone through to get there? We all have a Renu and Ansari in us, which we have repressed.
Avinash, where does one get the courage to show the truth of the world? It is very important to see the world from a witnessing attitude. I see things from a perspective that I cannot judge. I try to show it the way it is.
What kind of problems arise while shooting on actual location? This time many beautiful locations and characters will be seen. Every day of shooting has been a beautiful moment. There was no such problem. Wherever we have shot, we have received great support from people.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).