The multi-star film, released in 1999, was Hum Saath Hai Blockbuster. Madhuri Dixit also wanted to work in the film, but instead of her, Suraj Badjatya cast Tabu. Now he has given Madhuri the reason for not taking it in the film. According to the director, he did not want Madhuri to play the role of Salman Khan in the film.
Recently, in an interview to radio intoxication, Suraj Badjatya gave Madhuri Dixit not to cast in 'Hum Saath Saath Hai'. He said, the fact that I got Madhuri's phone. Madhuri said that I am ready to do this film. I told Madhuri that I was making a male -dominated picture for the first time. If I cast you in front of Salman, the roll is small and if I cast you with Mohanish Bahl, you will be Salman's future. Madhuri is such a wonderful person that she told me that it didn't matter. I would love to work with him. But I said I didn't think this casting comforter.
In the casting of the film 'Hum Saath Saath Hai', Suraj Badjatya further said that Salman was a star at that time. If I had cast Madhuri with her, would the public accept her as her brother -in -law? In this case we have cast Tabu.
Ravina Tandon was offered this role before Sonali Bandre Ravina Tandon was offered the first offer to play Preeti in the film 'Hum Saath Saath Hai'. However, Ravina did not want to do a multi -starrer film at that time. In such a situation, Sonali Bandre was later cast. Before Mohanish Bahl, Vivek's role was offered to Anil Kapoor and later to Rishi Kapoor. Both rejected the role, only when Mohanish came onboard. The name of Vivek's wife Sadhana was first discussed for Madhuri Dixit and then Manisha Koirala's name.
Director Suraj Badjatya did not want to give Madhuri the role of Salman's future, because he had earlier seen in 'Hum Aapke Hai Kaun'. On the other hand, Manisha Koirala rejected the film as she was busy shooting for the film. After the role of Vivek, Anand was to give the role of Rishi Kapoor, but he also denied the role. Mahesh Thakur later played this role.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).