Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit Nene on Friday, her husband Dr. Shriram Nene reached Udaipur in the Mclaren 750s of Rs 6 crore. In Udaipur on Friday, MClaren Automotive celebrates the launch of the company's 50 cars in India. During this time, 11 McLaren cars from across the country arrived at the City Palace in Udaipur. These include MClaren 720s, GT, Artura, Mclaren 750s spider. There are only 60 Mclaren 750s spider cars in the world. These cars are priced from Rs 5 crore to Rs 12 crore.
After the celebrity in Udaipur, the super car in the city left for Mount Abu. Haritraj Singh, son of Madhuri's car, MClaren 750s, Mewad, a member of the former royal family, Haritraj Singh, son of Mewad, was very loved.
This is Madhuri Dixit's super car Mclaren 750s. He was brought to Udaipur by truck
'I love Udaipur very much' Madhuri Dixit looked at Pichola Lake in the morning before a program organized at City Palace Manak Chowk. He saw and praised the heritage locations of Udaipur on the shores of the pichola. Talking to the media, Madhuri said- I love Udaipur city. The beautiful morning in Udaipur and the weather here is good. I am very happy to see the sights of Udaipur in the midst of winter feelings. The actress said-the roads, streets and palaces of Lake City look good. Shriram Nene said that Udaipur is a very beautiful city and we came here and enjoyed it.
The car was displayed together before going to Mount Abu to Mount Udaipur.
Madhuri did a photoshoot with her car.
Lakshraj's son liked Madhuri's super car At the celebrity event, McLaren Mumbai dealer Lalit Chowdhury welcomed Lakshraj Singh, a member of the former royal family of Mewad. Lakshraj and his son Haritraj looked closely at each of the cars here. Meanwhile, when his son Haritraj was asked which car he liked, he pointed to Madhuri Dixit's car in the fleet and said that I loved this blue color.
Haritraj Singh, son of Lakshraj Singh Mewad, liked Madhuri's blue color car.
Lakshraj Singh said that for super car lovers, watching these vehicles in Udaipur is a very exciting moment. He said that my son Haritraj also likes a super car. As a father, my duty is to show my children such things so that he likes.
Madhuri Dixit and her husband Dr. Shriram Nene also toured Udaipur in his super car.
A convoy of cars went out of Mount Abu Lakraj Singh Mewad flagged off the car's fleet from City Palace Manak Chowk and departed Mount Abu. This car from McLaren Automotive will go to Mount Abu and go back to Udaipur. Their owners are traveling to Mount Abu in these cars.
Super car is moving from City Palace in Udaipur to Mount Abu.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).