Mika Singh recently said in an interview that he and Kapil Sharma went to KRK's house and misbehaved. In response, KRK has now said that Kapil and Mika came to his house drunk, due to which both were slapped by the security guard.
KRK said in his new YouTube video, Bollywood is an illiterate, rude, and barking singer like a donkey. But still the man calls himself a singer.
Further, KRK referred to Lalantop's interview, in which Mika said that he had met KRK in Dubai and that he misbehaved with him. The next day, Mika said she didn't remember anything.
On this KRK said, 'This illiterate, rude person is absolutely right. I found it in Dubai. He has been calling me for a long time and saying that he wants to meet you. I said come. So he promised, but did not come. The next day I asked his manager why he didn't come when he said.'
His manager told me, 'He's very scared. He thinks I will kidnap him if he comes to my house.' I told his manager, 'What will I gain by kidnapping that fakir. What does he have that will give me? If a rich person is kidnapped, something can be obtained from him.'
KRK further said that his manager asked me to come to the hotel. He was staying in a hotel in Dubai. Honey Singh was a very big star at that time. The people who were organizing the show gave Honey Singh a huge suit and the dashing singer was given a small room with a single bed. So we didn't sit in his room, we went to Honey Singh's room'.
A photo of the meeting at a hotel in Dubai
KRK said that Mika had invited him to watch the show, but he made excuses and left. KRK further talked about meeting Mika and Kapil in Mumbai. He said, 'Mika Singh said in an interview that he and Kapil Sharma came to my house and misbehaved a lot. It happened that both were drinking alcohol that night. Kapil Sharma and this bad singer came to my house.'
'He came home and told security that he had to meet his brother. The security told them that the brother was sleeping and could not be found right now. Both took photos under the house and insisted on meeting. Both were drunk. The security guard asked them to leave, but they were not ready to go. Hence my security guard slapped both of them 2-2, 3-3.'
KRK said that, the next morning, he saw that Kapil had made some tweets, after which the two had an argument on social media. KRK also claimed that he went to Mika's house the next day and slapped her.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).