Karthik Aryan recently shared a case. The actor said that a kissing scene in the 2014 film 'Kanchi: The Unbreakable' became a headache for him. He gave 37 retakes to deliver the perfect kissing scene. Subhash ji wanted a passionate kissing scene – Karthik During an interview at Filmfare, Kartik Aryan was asked about this kissing scene. In response to which the actor said – It is possible that Mishti was making a mistake on purpose at that time. Subhash ji wanted a passionate kiss. I didn't know how to kiss. I was about to ask him, 'Sir please tell me how to kiss.'
Karthik Aaryan made his Bollywood debut with the film 'Pyaar Ka Panchnama' released in 2011.
Didn't think the kissing scene would turn into a headache – Karthik Kartik Aryan continued – I never thought that kissing scenes would become such a headache for me. That day I was behaving like a lover. I was very happy when Subhashji said ok.
Karthik played the role of a lover boy in Kanchi.
The actor played the role of a lover boy The film was directed by Subhash Ghai. Karthik Aryan is playing the role of a lover boy in this film. Mishti Chakraborty was also seen in the lead role along with him in this film.
'Bhool Bhoolaiyya 3' performed well at the box office Let us tell you that Karthik Aryan's film Bhoola Bhulaiyya 3 was released on November 1 this year. Apart from Karthik, Vidya Balan, Tripti Dimri and Madhuri Dixit were also seen in lead roles in this film. The film did well at the box office.
Karthik will be seen in Anurag Basu's film Talking about Kartik Aaryan's work front, he may soon be seen in Anurag Basu's film. Bhoo Bhoolaiyya 3 is a superhit movie released this year. According to reports, the film has collected Rs 300 crore.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).