Kareena Kapoor's latest video is trending on social media, in which she is seen surrounded by fans at the airport. However, in this video, she is not only surrounded by fans but also looks very scared. In the video, Kareena is seen trying her best to avoid the people standing around her and is looking very upset.
This video of Kareena is very popular now. People are getting very angry after watching this video. If you think that users have shown their anger towards Kareena then you are completely wrong. Actually, the audience is not liking that Kareena is feeling so uncomfortable and people have surrounded her like this.
Meanwhile, Kareena did not pose In this video, Kareena is trying to save herself from the crowd and somehow move forward. However, people don't let him go so easily and are seen constantly coming forward and trying to take selfies with him. During this time, Kareena is neither posing nor has a smile on her face. Now people's anger has erupted on this issue.
People are praising Kareena after watching the video People have commented on this video and said- This is very sad, Kareena's courage should be appreciated. Another said – I don't understand why people tease celebrities. Another user wrote, 'There is no shortage of illiterate people, they are seeing how Kareena is feeling uncomfortable but still they don't understand.' One said – This is absolutely wrong, you should ask the celebrities once before taking a selfie. Many people have said – this is very scary but Kareena looks so calm.
This has happened to Kareena before This is not the first time this has happened to Kareena. Even before this, she has been surrounded by crowds of fans many times. It has happened many times before that as soon as he reached the airport, he was still taken out of the luggage car, where people surrounded him for photographs.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).