Kangana Ranaut's film 'Emergency' has released on January 17. A video of the actress has surfaced, in which she went to visit Sadhguru with Anupam Kher. In the meantime, he touched Sadguru's feet and took blessings.
On 17 January, a special screening of the film 'Emergency' was held at PVR, Juhu, where Sadhguru was also present. Meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut and Anupam Kher welcomed him. He also took blessings for the success of the film, the video of which is going viral on social media.
Users are also commenting heavily on this video of Kangana. One wrote, 'Hindu lioness Kangana Ranaut.' Another wrote, 'This is the rite.' Another user wrote, 'Only he can do this.'
Kangana said, it is our good fortune that Sadhguruji came to watch our film. I had a great crew and amazing actors with me in the film. It was great for us to work with a National Award winning actor. If I can make a film with such good people, what a big deal.
Sadhguru said, it has been 50 years since 'Emergency' was implemented in India. In such a situation, the youth should watch such films to know the history. This raises some questions in our mind. We should refrain from judging anything. The question is whether what we learned is happening again.
Anupam Kher said, Sadhguru came to our screening, which makes us feel very good. In this film, Kangana has acted as well as directed. He has done a great job in this film and for this we thank him.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).