Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan has announced son Aryan's directorial debut series, which will be released on OTT platform Netflix. It is produced by Gauri Khan, whose story is based on the background of the film industry. Red Chillies and Netflix have joined hands for the series and announced it at an event in Los Angeles. Kangana Ranaut's reaction has also come out on it.
Shah Rukh Khan expressed his feelings with the announcement Directed by Aryan Khan, the series 'Stardom' will release in 2025. This story is written by King Khan's son. From OTT platforms to social media, Shahrukh has given this information. Expressing his feelings, he wrote that – This is a special day, because a new story is being presented to the audience. Today is more special as Red Chillies and Aryan Khan start their new journey to show their new series on Netflix.
Further encouraging Aryan, Shahrukh wrote – This is for someone who knows how to tell a story… where there is a balanced crowd… bold scenes and lots of fun and emotion. Go ahead and entertain people Aryan… and remember, there's no business like show business.
Kangana Ranaut wrote a post for Aryan Khan Kangana Ranaut wrote in her Instagram story that it's good that children from film families are stepping up just to put on make-up, lose weight or look good and consider themselves as actors. We all should take Indian cinema forward together. Because this is the need of the hour. People with resources often take the easiest route. We need more people behind the camera. It is good that Aryan took this path. Looking forward to his debut as a filmmaker and writer.
Suhana Khan congratulated Sister Suhana also congratulated her brother. He wrote that lots of laughter, drama, action and a bit of trouble – which always happens with you Aryan. I can't wait any longer. I am proud of you.'
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).