December 13 was a heavy day for Allu Arjun and his family. The actor was arrested by the police in the Sandhya Theater case. But the High Court granted bail to Allu Arjun for one month. Allu went to Sandhya Theater to meet his fans, where the crowd turned unruly and stampeded. In which a woman died and an 8-year-old child became unconscious. He is currently undergoing treatment. The actor has shared an emotional post for the victim child.
'I'm worried about the baby…' Allu shared a post on December 15, in which she expressed her concern about the child. Allu wrote – I am worried about Mr. Tej's condition and am also thinking about him. However, he is under the care of doctors and undergoing treatment, but what happened should not have happened.
I am currently facing legal issues. Hence, I have been asked to avoid meeting the child and his family. My prayers are with the family. My sport will always be in the treatment of the child and the family. I will not back down whatever the cost or whatever the need may be. I hope the child recovers and returns home soon. I wish to meet the child and his family soon.
Allu Arjun said this after coming from jail Allu Arjun spoke to the media after being released from jail. He said – nothing to worry about. i'm fine I believe in law. This case is going on in court so I am a law abiding citizen. I will cooperate with the police. My condolences to the family of the woman who lost her life. This was an unfortunate incident. I will be there to support the family in every possible way and provide them every possible support during this difficult time.
Talking about this incident, Allu Arjun said that this incident happened unintentionally. The actor said – when I went to watch the film, suddenly this incident happened. This was not done on purpose. For the last 20 years I have been going to cinema halls to watch movies. It has always been a pleasant experience, but this time things took a different turn.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).