Former Bollywood actress and Salman Khan's ex-girlfriend Somi Ali is once again in the news. Although he had talked about coming to India in November and meeting Lawrence Bishnoi, now he has met with a major accident. Somi Ali has said that while rescuing a woman who was a victim of human trafficking, she was attacked and suffered a fractured arm and multiple injuries.
Assault occurred while rescuing victim Actress and social activist Somi Ali recently filed a major claim that she was injured when she was attacked while trying to save a victim of human trafficking. He said the traffickers twisted his arm, which fractured it. I am in a lot of pain and on bed rest
What is the whole matter? He further said that it will take six to eight weeks for him to recover. Narrating the incident, Somi said, I am trying to save the victims along with the police. I am not even allowed to get out of my car until they take the victim out of the house because this time my experience was totally different. We were all waiting for the traffickers the victim had no idea about this.
Somi further said, I was sitting in my car to rescue the victim, when suddenly the traffickers came, one of them grabbed my left hand and twisted it in such a way that I started screaming in pain. Thank god it only gave me a hairline fracture, but I'm in a lot of pain and on bed rest.
Health update shared Giving a health update, Somi said, “The doctor has said that it will take six to eight weeks for me to fully recover.” My left wrist is very swollen due to the injury. Have to live with the plaster like this for weeks.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).