Actress Bhagyashree worked with Salman Khan in the film 'Maine Pyar Kiya' (1980). In a recent interview, Bhagyashree revealed that earlier she felt that Salman was flirting with her. But then it comes to know that he is trying to tease her in the name of boyfriend Himalaya. Bhagyashree also revealed that his friendship with Salman grew stronger while working together in the film.
'Salman sat next to me and started singing' In an interview given to YouTube channel of Kovid Gupta Films, Bhagyashree said – This is during the shooting of the song 'Dil Deewana'. One day Salman came. He sat next to me and started singing in my ear. He has always been a gentleman on the set and treated me so well that I could not understand. I thought he was flirting with me and I said – why are you doing this?
'Salman came to know about my affair' Bhagyashree further said – Salman used to follow him and sing the same songs. I kept thinking what is going on? Finally one day he removed the veil from this secret and said – I know whom you love. Then I asked him what do you know, Salman named Himalayas. Salman said – I know about the Himalayas. Why don't you call him here?
Salman attended Bhagyashree's wedding Bhagyashree said that his friendship with Salman Khan improved after this incident. When Bhagyashree decided to marry Himalaya, the entire family was against her, only Salman and director Sooraj Barjatya supported her. The actress said – When I married Himalaya, only Salman and Sooraj stood by my side. None of my family was there.
Bhagyashree and Himalaya got married in 1990. After marriage, the two became parents to son Abhimanyu and daughter Avantika.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).