Priyanka Chopra's mother Madhu Chopra recently shared an incident related to Hrithik Roshan. He said that when Priyanka's father was battling cancer, Hrithik Roshan helped him. Priyanka's mother said that the actress' father had to be taken from the flight and no airline was ready to carry such a critical patient. At this time Hrithik Roshan and director Rakesh Roshan helped him.
Priyanka's father was battling cancer Priyanka's mother Madhu Chopra said during an interview on the Something Bigger show that Hrithik Roshan and her father Rakesh Roshan helped her family a lot during difficult times. When Priyanka's father Ashok Chopra was diagnosed with cancer, he had to be flown to Boston for treatment. Madhu Chopra said, 'My brother said if you think there is even a 5% chance of his survival, bring him to Boston. And it was a different task for us, because they had to be transported by flight and no airline was willing to carry such a critical patient. At this time, Priyanka was shooting for the film 'Krrish' with Hrithik Roshan and director Rakesh Roshan. Priyanka shared her problems with both.
Priyanka's father Dr. With Ashok Chopra and Mata Madhu
Assisted by Hrithik and Rakesh Roshan Madhu Chopra said that, coincidentally, at that time Priyanka was shooting for the film 'Krrish' with Hrithik Roshan and director Rakesh Roshan. Priyanka then shared her problems with both of them. He asked Priyanka, why are you crying? We will talk to the airlines. Then both of them used their acquaintances and convinced the airlines to take us. Priyanka has also mentioned this incident in her biography 'Unfinished'.
I will always be grateful to him – Priyanka Priyanka wrote in her autobiography 'Unfinished' that Hrithik Roshan became her biggest support when her father was diagnosed with cancer. He wrote, 'If we didn't have people who were willing to help us, like Hrithik and Rakesh sir and our Boston family, I don't think my father would have been able to get treatment.' I will always be grateful to him for his support.
Died in the year 2013 Priyanka's father Dr. Ashok Chopra died on June 10, 2013 due to cancer. He was 62 years old at that time. He was undergoing treatment at the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai during his last moments.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).