The entire industry is shocked by the sudden death of Malayalam actor Dilip Shankar. The body of the actor was found on Sunday from a private hotel in Thiruvananthapuram's Venrose Junction. The exact cause of the actor's death is yet to be revealed. According to a report in 'Indian Express', the actor was in Thiruvananthapuram for the shooting of the serial and had rented a hotel room there four days ago.
Dilip Shankar was not seen outside his room for the past two days and when his co-worker tried to contact him, the actor could not be contacted. After this the colleague had to go to the hotel for questioning. When the hotel staff opened the door, they found Dileep's dead body. As soon as the information about the incident was received, the police reached the spot. The matter is currently being investigated.
Actor Dilip Shankar's body was found in the hotel room
He was suffering from health problems According to the report of 'Manorama Online', the director of the serial in which Dileep was working, Manoj said that there was a break of two days in the shooting. Although Dileep was repeatedly called during this time, he did not answer. Reports also said that Dileep was suffering from health related issues.
After the news of the actor's death, his friend and co-actor Seema Nair took to social media to express his grief and wrote – You called me 5 days ago. I couldn't talk because I had a headache and I was sleeping. Now, I came to know about you when a journalist called me. Dileep, what happened to you, I don't know what to write, condolences.
After hearing the news of the death, apart from friends, fans are also paying tributes to the actor on social media.
Dileep has worked in Malayalam films and TV serials. He has acted in famous Malayalam TV shows like 'Sundari' and 'Panchagni'.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).