The accused of the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been arrested. He was working in a housekeeping firm. Other shocking information has also emerged about the attacker. He had gone to Saif and Kareena's house before. But how did he enter the actor's house on the night of the attack and why did he attack Saif with a knife? New information has come to light regarding this.
Did the accused go to Saif's house before? According to information, the accused Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahjad, who broke into Saif Ali Khan's house and attacked, was working in a housekeeping firm. With the help of his house helper, Saif sometimes used to call some people through the housekeeping firm to clean the house. Meanwhile, the accused had come to Saif's house even before Shahjad. Mumbai Police says that the accused had come to Mumbai 5-6 months ago. He was working in a housekeeping company here. Maybe his intention was to break into the house and steal or something. Now what is the truth, it will be clear only after investigation.
How did the accused enter Saif-Kareena's house? Information has emerged that on the night of January 16, when the assailant Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahjad noticed that the building's security guard was sleeping, he reached the 11th floor of the building. There the accused entered the duct shaft and from there he entered the house of Saif and Kareena. The accused then approached Saif and Kareena's children's room through the duct. After entering the house, he hid in the bathroom.
How did the police catch the accused? According to information received from the police, the attacker Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahjad used to live in Worli. On the day of the incident, he went to Thane by train. A biker came to pick him up in Thane. With the help of the bike's number, the police were able to trace him and then the police nabbed the accused in the bushes near the labor camp near Hirananda's estate in Thane.
Earlier it was being said that the accused is a resident of West Bengal. But now the police say that the main accused in the attack on Saif Ali Khan may be a resident of Bangladesh. No identity document was found from the accused. DCP Dixit Gedam has said in a press conference that no valid Indian document has been received from the accused. Hence, the police registered a case against him under the relevant sections of the Passport Act. The accused is being interrogated.
What did the accused say about attacking Saif? Accused Shahjad told the police during interrogation that he did not know that he was entering Saif Ali Khan's house. The accused said that his intention was only to steal and that is why he entered the house. Suddenly Saif Ali Khan appeared in front of him and attacked the actor multiple times with a knife, injuring him.
According to Mumbai Police, the accused has no criminal history. Police are gathering more information about Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahjad and trying to find out how he entered India illegally if he is a Bangladeshi national.
The real name of the accused was revealed It is to be noted that after being caught, the accused was constantly misleading the police. He kept changing his name. He gave his four names to the police. Subsequently, no identification was found by which he could be identified. In such a situation, the police had to struggle to find the real name of the accused. But the Mumbai Police has found out the real name of the accused. Mumbai Police has stated in a press conference that the real name of the accused is Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahjad.
What happened the night Saif was attacked? On January 16, around 2 am, an unknown person entered Saif Ali Khan's house and started arguing with the maid present there. When Saif Ali Khan came on hearing the noise, the actor got into a scuffle with the man in an attempt to save his family. In anger, the accused attacked the actor with a knife. It is being said that the assailant attacked Saif 6 times with a knife, leaving him seriously injured.
The children's nanny was also injured in the attack. After the assailant fled, Saif himself went to Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital in an auto with Taimur. A piece of the knife was stuck near the actor's spine, which was surgically removed by doctors at Lilavati Hospital. It is a matter of relief that Saif is now out of danger.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).