Singer Hansraj Raghuvanshi, who made headlines with the bhajan 'Mera Bhola Hai Bhandari, Nandi Ki Swaira', has married again. The wedding took place at the Triuginarayana temple in Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand. He has shared his pictures on social media. However, he is married to his wife Komal Saklani. He got married earlier in October 2023. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also praised Hansraj Raghuvanshi's bhajans.
On a remarriage at the Triuginarayana temple, his wife Komal Saklani wrote – Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati were married here. A flame has been burning inside this temple for centuries. Shiva and Parvati got married at this holy place with Agni as witness.
Komal Saklani wrote next…
Here sincere wishes are fulfilled. Happened to me too. Now we are married in a place that symbolizes the love of Bholenath and Mother Parvati. I cannot express my feelings in words. This was a dream of ours, which has come true with the blessings of Mahadev and Mother Parvati.
Meanwhile, both were wearing wedding dresses. The marriage ceremony was completed with complete rituals and worship. After this, they garlanded each other and went around again witnessing the fire.
Photos of Hansraj Raghuvanshi-Komal Saklani's second wedding…
Hansraj Raghuvanshi dressing his wife Komal in a mangalsutra in a temple.
Hansraj Raghuvanshi with wife Komal after marriage. Meanwhile, both of them have also worn garlands.
Hansraj Raghuvanshi looking towards the temple with his wife Komal after the wedding.
Hansraj Raghuvanshi who is in the news for his second marriage
1. Hansraj Raghuvanshi was born in Solan Hansraj Raghuvanshi was born on 18 July 1992 in Solan, Himachal Pradesh. Raghuvanshi's village is Kander, situated on the border of Solan and Bilaspur. Raghuvanshi's father's name is Prem Raghuvanshi and mother's name is Leela Raghuvanshi. He had his schooling from Himachal. He has studied till graduation.
2. Return home if you don't get a job Hansraj could not pursue further studies due to his poor home situation. He left his studies and moved to Delhi. Here he tried hard to get a job, but he could not succeed. After this he returned home.
3. While singing bhajans in the canteen, a student's advice changed his fortunes After returning home, Hansraj started working in the college canteen. He was fond of singing. He used to sing hymns in the canteen. Where people and college students used to listen to his bhajans. During this time a college student advised him to record his bhajans and post them on social media. Hansraj did this and today he has become a popular singer of the country.
Hansraj Raghuvanshi with wife Komal Saklani.- File photo
PM Modi has praised Bhajan Hansraj Raghuvanshi also sang the hymn 'Yug Ram Raj Ka Aa Gaya…' relating to the consecration of Sri Ramlala's life in Ayodhya. After which Prime Minister Narendra Modi also posted it on social media. In which he has written that the whole country is happy with the welcome of Lord Shri Ram in Ayodhya. He appealed to listen to Hansraj Raghuvanshi Ji Bhajan dedicated to Lord Shri Ram.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).