Actor Vindu Dara Singh recently spoke about his experience playing the role of Hanuman in the show 'Jai Veer Hanuman'. He said he wanted to keep his father's legacy alive. In fact, Vindu's father Dara Singh played the role of Lord Hanuman in Ramanand Sagar's Ramayana.
Vindu said in an interview on 'Just Baat' channel, 'My father told me that playing the character of Hanuman is not easy. There are some strict rules for this. He said that when you play this character, you have to take bath, pray and give up non-vegetarian food. He strictly warned me to stay away from non-vegetarian food.
Apart from this, no bad thought should come in the mind. Only after following all these things I was advised to play this role with full devotion and dedication. He said that if you don't do this, Hanumanji will kick you and you will remember it forever.
According to Vindu, he felt a lot of power and energy from Hanumanji's clothes and words. When he played Hanuman it was an experience not only for him but also for his father Dara Singh.
Talking about his father Dara Singh, Vindu said that the character of Hanuman had a profound impact on his life. He said that even years after the completion of the Ramayana, his father recited Hanuman's dialogues while sleeping.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).