The controversy over Bollywood actress Kajol's film 'Do Patti' released on October 25 in Haryana has reached PM Modi. Earlier, Sarva Hudda Khap met Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini. Khap officials demanded action from the Chief Minister. Also, on November 16, a complaint was filed at the Rajendra Park Police Station in Gurugram for a criminal defamation case against the producer, director, actor of the film 'Do Patti' and OTT platform Netflix.
But the FIR has not been registered yet. Dissatisfied with Chief Minister Nayeb Saini's action, Surendra Hooda, a member of the committee formed by Sarva Huda Khap, posted on social media platform X and appealed to PM Narendra Modi to remove the controversial words from the film 'Do Patti'.
Surendra Hooda has posted on social media
This is a controversy Hudda Khap says that the film 'Do Patti', released on October 25, has commented on the Hudda clan. The comment should be removed from the film and the filmmaker, director, actor and the operator of the OTT platform that aired it should issue a public apology.
Hooda Khap says that there is a scene in the film 'Do Patti', in which an actor is an accused in court, who is saying, 'This is not murder. The murder was committed by Huda, a man living in our neighbourhood, who burnt his daughter-in-law alive in public. Hooda Khap objects to this comment made in the film.
Panchayat was held on 10th November After the release of the film Do Patti on OTT platform Netflix on October 25, a panchayat was held on November 10 at the historical platform of Sarva Hudda Khap located in Basantapur village of Rohtak. Representatives and dignitaries of 45 villages of Khap participated in it. A high level committee was formed for this.
People are doing panchayat against Do Patti movie.
Committee members headed by Surendra Hooda met CM Saini. After this he said that the Hooda clan of the Jat community is being maligned by a dialogue in the film Do Patti. A meeting has been held with CM Saini regarding this controversial matter. The way the film is conspired to malign the Hooda dynasty is criminal.
Khap sent a notice, the makers responded Surendra Hooda said that notices were given to the film's producer, director, actor and Netflix the day after its release. In response, Netflix and the filmmakers have said that the incident alleged in the notice took place in the film. But, this is within the freedom of expression of the filmmaker and the actor and the use of the word Huda is just a coincidence.
Surendra said that the law of the land does not give the right to spoil someone's social reputation and hurt his honour. The controversial dialogue aired in the film has damaged the social reputation of the entire Hudda Khaap. The Hooda clan of the Jat community has been maligned as part of the conspiracy.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).