'Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai' actor Asif Sheikh shares a close bond with Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. On Salman's birthday, Asif Sheikh shared many interesting stories related to him. Read some key excerpts from the conversation:
'Salman Khan's birthday has now become a big festival' 'Salman Khan's birthday has become a big festival now. It is a long festival lasting 7-8 days, which is celebrated in their farmhouse. The festival lasts from the day of the birthday till 31st December. Every day something new happens. Many big celebrities come from all over the world. I also became a part of his birthday celebrations. It's a festival-like atmosphere.'
'We trek from dawn to dusk. They have a big pool. In summer we also swim in it. The special thing is that they also have another pool, which is like a lake. The water in it comes from the mountains, and it's great fun when we jump into it.'
'One of the special things about Salman's birthday is that not only his friends but his whole family also attend it. His mother, sister Alvira, Atul, all family members become part of this celebration'.
Helped a disabled child We were returning from Hyderabad, the flight was around 10:30-11 pm. While we were on the way, we saw a disabled child standing on the road selling a trolley of old gas cylinders. Salman Khan was very sad to see that scene. He went to the child and asked, 'How many trolleys do you have?' 'I have a whole truck,' came the reply.
The next day, Salman was shooting on the sets and decided to help the child. He called the kid to his set with a truck, which contained 150-200 gas trolleys. On the set, Salman asked everyone to buy that trolley. He did not consider this help a favor to anyone, as he felt it was his responsibility.'
Salman believes that this is a different kind of charity. His heart is very big, and he helps anyone in trouble, but never reveals this help. Salman has taught us that real charity is helping someone dumbfounded without any publicity. This is the right way and Salman learned this from his father.'
Not a personal family, but he is a true family man 'He never regretted not having a family of his own. Salman is always happy. I believe that a person is responsible for the situation he is in. Whatever Salman Khan has, he is happy with it. Even if he is not married or has no girl in his life, he is quite happy. He is fully satisfied with his life.'
Yes, Salman has no personal family, but still he is a true family man. Family is most important to him, and he always puts it first.'
Does not express his emotions 'Salman is a very strong person. He has had many ups and downs in his career and personal life, but he always keeps himself calm. He neither expresses his feelings nor reacts to anything. Despite all this he never comments on anyone. He believes that his work is his identity.'
'Salman loves his work very much. He enjoys shooting and says he is happy that he gets a chance to do his job. His focus is always on his hard work and not on any controversy. He enjoys his life and is happy.'
Father Salim Khan is his real strength'Salman Khan and his father Salim Khan have a close and very strong bonding, which is an inspiration to everyone. Salman has always respected his father a lot and spending time with him is very special to him. He does every little thing with respect in front of his father, which makes him stand out from everyone else.'
'Salim Khan, who is a very strong and inspiring person himself, is a huge source of strength for Salman. His teachings and guidance have made Salman the person he is today.'
'In this day and age when most kids spend less time with their parents, Salman is one of the few who makes spending time with his family a priority. He not only gives time to his parents but also gives them respect and love, which is rare these days.'
'Salman's greatest attribute is his fearlessness and honesty' Salman Khan's biggest trait is his fearlessness and honesty. He always speaks what is in his heart, without any fear or hesitation. This trait of Salman to speak the truth makes him different from others. I have never heard that Salman hides anything from anyone or lies to anyone. His honest and outspoken manner is what makes him special.'
'Salman may look very strong and tough on the outside, but on the inside he is a very soft and gentle person. He never shows support or help to anyone, but quietly helps someone. This is Salman's real style, which makes him different and special from others.'
'Salman loves children very much' Salman loves children very much. He always visits them and inquires about their well-being. Whenever we meet, the first thing she asks us about our children is 'What does your child do? What does your daughter do?' He always talks about family and has no ill will towards anyone in his heart.'
'I remember another incident. We visited their farm house once when my daughter was very young, around 3-4 years old. A large Chinese car was kept there, which was very expensive. While playing, my daughter's leg hit a vase and broke it. I got scared and shouted, 'What happened?' But Salman calmed me down and said, 'Shut up, children should not be married.'
Salman himself then picked up the vase and repaired it comfortably. He told me, don't worry, all these things come and go. Salman never gives much importance to material things. His game is of the heart, he did what he felt in his heart.'
'Being happy with simple things' Salman Khan is a great host. When you are with him, you never feel like you are with a mega star. He is very down to earth, very simple. Their life is very simple, and they don't show off anything. He is happy in his space and feels quite comfortable when anyone meets him.'
'We thought that a star like Salman would have a lavish lifestyle, but he is happy in very ordinary things. Their food, their lifestyle, everything is very simple. Whoever is with him, he makes him his own. His mannerisms, his heart, it's all very special.'
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).