Actor and BJP MP Ravi Kishan Shukla revealed that his father was very angry when he wore a saree in Ramlila. In anger, he beat Ravi Kishan with a belt. The mother thought that her son would die from the beating. For this reason he gave 500 rupees and asked Ravi Kishan to flee to Mumbai.
In a conversation with YouTuber Shubhankar Mishra, Ravi Kishan said – I used to participate in Ramleela and play the character of Sitaji. I used to wear my mother's saree. I was practicing my role all day with some other people.
One day the father came to know about this. When I came back home they beat me with a belt. I remember the way they beat me, my skin was peeling.
'Mom thought I was going to die' Ravi Kishan continued – That night Mother thought I was going to die. That's why he gave me 500 rupees and said – escape in the train, otherwise they will kill you. In those circumstances, I was about 14-15 years old when I came to Mumbai.
Ravi Kishan attributes his success to his father In this interview, Ravi Kishan credited his father for his success. He said that he is where he is today thanks to his father. It was his father who taught him honesty. Ravi said that his father was an intellectual, who was highly respected in the local community.
Ravi was last seen in 'Singham Again' and 'Missing Ladies'. At the same time, he will next be seen in the Telugu film 'Daku Maharaj'.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).