Archana Purna Singh was shooting his upcoming film with Prince Rao. In the meantime the fracture was in the hands of the actress. Archana recently provided this information in her vlog.
Injury due to slipping on set The actress was slipping on the set during the shooting. Due to which he had a fracture in the wrist and suffered injuries to the face. He was taken to the hospital immediately after the injury. Where he had surgery.
Sharing the vlog and informed about the entire incident.
The whole incident shared in the vlog
While sharing many items in my vlog, Arch Puran said: 'I was injured during the shooting. Due to which the shooting of the film has been stopped. I apologized for delaying production by calling the prince. I told the prince that I would come to work again soon. Because I didn't want me to hurt the whole team. '
Archana's son Aryaman was crying after hearing the news of the injury.
Son Aryaman started crying after hearing the news of his mother's injury
In the video, Archana said of the injury incident that when his son Ayushman told his brother Aryaman about the incident, he was shocked to hear this. Archana said- Aryaman was very sad to hear that there were injuries on my face.
What happens only happens for the good – Archana
Giving a health update at the end of the video, Archana said- 'What happens happens only for good. I believe I'm okay, and as always, I am trying to be positive in this situation. Now it is coming out that it is very difficult to work with one hand and it is even more difficult with the left hand. The actress told her husband Paramit in the voice – 'You think I'm okay, but I just have a big operation.'
Health update by sharing the video
Archana is very active on YouTube
Talking about Archana's work front, he started his career with the film 'Jalwa' released in the theater in 1987. Apart from this, the actress has also worked in many Bollywood films and has long been seen as a judge on Kapil Sharma's comedy show. Not only that, he is also very active on YouTube. Archana has created its own YouTube channel and shares the vlog on it.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).